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Thursday, June 18, 2009

The 2 Most-wanted Features of iPhone OS 3.0

The much long-awaited official iPhone OS 3.0 software update has released. I started my download at 18 Jun 2009, 1:10AM local date and time (http://twitter.com/cedric_chee/status/2209247111)

The following are the 2 most-wanted features of iPhone OS 3.0 that really works for Singapore iPhone 3G owners who have upgraded the OS to version 3.0 based on my own personal testings:

1. MMS
The iPhone 3G can finally send picture messages like any phone. It is confirmed Singtel carrier supporting MMS for iPhone 3G (http://twitter.com/cedric_chee/status/2210382720)

2. Internet Tethering
Tethering is sharing your 3G Internet connection with your computer via your iPhone 3G Bluetooth or USB connection. Tethering works like a charm with Singtel carrier! To enable 3G tethering on your iPhone 3G, go to Settings > General > Network. Look for the option "Internet Tethering". Set this option to "On". Next, choose tethering over USB or Bluetooth. Done. Now connect your iPhone to the computer. The computer will automatically detect a network connection on the USB port. It just works :)

Turn off your Wi-Fi or unplug your Ethernet to check how it works.

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